News and Events
CD2E adopt a different approach to co-creation….Sustainable heat: how can social housing organisations be involved?
Sustainable heat: how can social housing organisations be involved? CD2E leads a co-creation project to install sustainable heat in the form of solar thermal in collective social housing in Northern France. Appetite from Social Housing Organisations (SHOs) has proven low so far. Out of the 8 organisations we aim to collaborate with, only one has […]
SHIFFT Webinar : Applying co-creation for inclusive decarbonisation of urban heating systems – (a cross border peer review session)
Click here to register… Applying Co-creation for Inclusive Decarbonisation of Urban Heat Systems The ‘SHIFFT’ (Sustainable Heat: Implementation of Fossil Free Technologies) Project invites you to participate in an interactive cross-border workshop to disseminate progress and receive feedback on our approach to the development of city heat strategies. We will employ a ‘fish bowl’ style […]
Monitoring and evaluating co-creation – The view from TU Delft’s expert team.
In transitions to sustainable heating, to replace gas, coal and oil as heating sources, guaranteeing a fair process matters as much as place, price and technology. As a recent study concluded, process-based factors may be more important in shaping attitudes towards sustainable energy systems than the actual distribution of costs and benefits. Closer examination […]
Middelburg’s Heat Strategy – regional cooperation and participation in Zeeland, the Netherlands
Heat Strategy – regional cooperation and participation in Zeeland, the Netherlands All Dutch municipalities* must have their Vision for the Heat Transition in place by the end of this year. This ‘Heat Strategy’ will describe how homes within the municipality will switch from natural gas to a renewable energy source. The overall aim is […]
Transitie visie warmte – regionale samenwerking en participatie in Zeeland
Transitie visie warmte – regionale samenwerking en participatie in Zeeland Alle Nederlandse gemeenten moeten voor het eind van dit jaar hun visie op de warmtetransitie hebben vastgesteld. In deze Transitie Visie Warmte, wordt beschreven hoe de woningen binnen de gemeente gaan overstappen van aardgas naar een hernieuwbare energiebron, met als doel de uitstoot van CO2 […]
SHIFFT Cross-border workshop – reflections on co-creation
There is great potential to use co-creation in sustainable heating transitions with opportunities for homeowners, neighbourhoods, and municipalities to move away from coal, gas, and oil. A paper published in Energy Research and Social Science by the work package two research team in the SHIFFT project considered “Co-creation as a Social Process for Unlocking Sustainable […]
Stad Mechelen and the City of Bruges organise an ambitious Flemish Heat Policy
Eight Cities and Municipalities have recently signed a pledge committing to fossil free heating by 2050 and transitioning away from the use of gas or fuel oil. These local authorities are leading Flanders today towards a future based on renewable heating. They will focus on decreasing the heat demand in their regions by insulating all […]
Delivering a Heat Strategy
CALUM HARVEY-SCHOLES RESEARCH FELLOW, UNIVERSITY OF EXETER A low-carbon heat strategy sets out at a high level a vision and key objectives, mapping details of the current and future heat system, and identifying key tools, policies, and actors. Creating such a strategy does not guarantee success in moving a city over from fossil fuel to […]
Warmtebeleid van én voor lokale besturen / City of Bruges webinar ‘Heat policy for local authorities’
Het burgemeestersconvenant, de opmaak van het klimaatplan, de ontwikkeling van een warmtezoneringsplan, … Lokale besturen blijven niet bij de pakken zitten en komen stilaan op kruissnelheid om de Europese klimaat-doelstellingen te behalen. Voor steden en gemeenten is warmte een immense uitdaging in hun streven naar een lagere CO2-uitstoot. Heeft u interesse in de aanpak […]
Bruges presents its heat plan
On Tuesday 18 May, the Flemish minister of economy and innovation Hilde Crevits came to the IVBO waste incinerator to attend the press release of the finalisation of the heat plan for Bruges and to hear more about the business plan of IVBO. They brought out the news that they will invest 20 million euro […]
Cross-border learning webinar: April 15, 2021 10:00-11.30 AM Amsterdam
The Impact of Co-creation: Benefits, Constraints and the Art of Measuring Success There is much potential for co-creation approaches with active residents and energy communities to move away from coal, gas and oil. But what counts as success? Because co-creation is a non-linear method, establishing monitoring and evaluation is essential. Patrick Devine-Wright from the University […]
‘Innovations in heat transition’ network event organised by the municipality of Middelburg
Innovation in heat transition network event organised by the municipality of Middelburg, the Netherlands Date: April 19th, 2021 Time: 15:00 – 16:30 CET Are you interested in the latest heat technology and do you struggle with questions like: how should we deal with innovations, what’s coming and should we wait or not? Three speakers are […]