
SHIFFT Guidance (NL): De warmtetransitie in een stroomversnelling: een leidraad voor gemeenten en stakeholders
Deze documenten vormen een vierdelige leidraad voor het versnellen van de warmtetransitie in gemeenten.

SHIFFT Guidance (EN): How to accelerate the heat transition: a guide for local government and actors
These documents form a four-part guide on how to accelerate the heat transition in cities.

SHIFFT Guidance (FR): Comment accélérer la transition énergétique vers la chaleur renouvelable: guide à destination des élus et acteurs locaux
Ce document s’intègre dans un ensemble de quatre modules offrant des conseils sur la façon d’accélérer la transition thermique dans les villes.

SHIFFT Guidance Module 1: Co-creation and stakeholder engagement for sustainable heating
This is the first part of a series exploring how municipal efforts can accelerate the decarbonisation of heating at the community level.

SHIFFT Guidance Module 2 : Financial policy instruments for sustainable heating
This is the second part of a series exploring how municipal efforts can accelerate the decarbonisation of heating at the community level.

SHIFFT Guidance Module 3: Non-financial policy tools for sustainable heating: city strategies, regulation and support
This is the third part of a series exploring how municipal efforts can accelerate the decarbonisation of heating at the community level.
A workshop to disseminate progress and receive feedback on our approach to the development of city heat strategies
Cross Border Co-creation Workshop – April 2020
A Co-creation workshop organised by TU Delft, University of Exeter and CD2E to introduce partners to good practices in co-creation for the heating transition, with emphasis on city district scales.
Cross-Border Learning Session – Co-creation in practice: How science, cities & citizens tackle the sustainable heat transition – October 2020
Below you can find the presentations from the SHIFFT WP2 Co-creation webinar that took place on 1st October 2020.
Cross Border Learning Session Webinar ‘The Impact of Co-creation: Benefits, Constraints and the Art of Measuring Success’ – April 2021
Click on the download button for the presentations and recordings from the SHIFFT WP2 Co-creation webinar on 'The Impact of Co-creation: Benefits, Constraints and the Art of Measuring Success'.
Cross Border Peer Review of Sustainable Heating Strategies for Partner Cities (Jan 2021)
Click on the Download buttons for: Workshop Program and Tom Prinzie Key Note & Other Presentations from the SHIFFT January Cross Border Peer Review.

The Influence of Public Participation and Energy Justice on the Heating Transition in Mariahoeve, The Hague
Here is another MSc thesis from SHIFFT partner Delft University of Technology that has several students completing Master’s thesis graduation projects in the field of sustainable heating transitions.

District heating systems for sustainable heating in metropolitan areas
SHIFFT partner Delft University of Technology currently has several students completing Master's thesis graduation projects in the field of sustainable heating transitions.

Hydrogen, heat, and the decarbonisation of energy systems
This new working paper examines the possible roles that hydrogen could play in energy system decarbonisation, with a specific focus on its potential role in decarbonising heat in the built environment

Summary report: A common approach for sustainable heating strategies for partner cities
This report provides a high level summary of a more detailed SHIFFT report which can be accessed via the SHIFFT project website: A Common Approach for Sustainable Heating Strategies.

A Common Approach for Sustainable Heating Strategies for Partner Cities
SHIFFT is an INTERREG 2 Seas project promoting cross-border cooperation between four European countries: the Netherlands, France, Belgium and the UK.

State of the art report for Co-creation Approaches and Practices – with a special focus on the Sustainable Heating Transition
The transition to sustainable heating systems is an essential element of an effective response climate change. But it requires more than technological innovation alone.